A Story from Here


Documentary (Italy, 2018, 74')


A small town in the internal areas, depopulated as one would expect. A place of “there’s nothing here”, as everybody tells Eleonora when she arrives in the town after spending most of her life in Milan, where her parents moved in the Sixties. She is emigrant, but not for her choice. A second-generation emigrant. Always being far from a “here” she could never experience, but that has always been in her mind thanks to stories told by others. Eleonora goes to the small town in order to provide images to many stories: those by her family and those by Adele, the small girl she met during a single visit to the village made by Eleonora and her parents, when she was very little.


Director: Eleonora Mastropietro 
Development and research:
 Daniele Ietri, Eleonora Mastropietro
 Eleonora Mastropietro, Gigi Giustiniani, Paolo Martelli
:  Fabio Bobbio
Giovanni Corona

Production: Associazione La Fournaise
Supported by: Piemonte DOC FILM FUND – Fondo Regionale per il Documentario 
 Valle d’Aosta DOC-FF FILM FUND

Festival (selected)

(2018) Festival dei Popoli – Concorso Italiano (Prima)
(2018) Filmmaker Festival
(2018) Bellaria Film Festival – Sezione Bei Doc
(2019) Other Movie Film Festival – Concorso
(2019) Fuori Mercato – Como Independent Film Festival (Premio Miglior Documentario)
(2019) Ischia Film Festival – Concorso Documentari
(2019) ShorTs International Film Festival – Sezione Nuove Impronte
(2019) BCT – Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione – Sezione Greatest Independent
(2019) International Documentary Film Festival of Ierapetra – European Long Competition
(2019) Cervino Cinemountain International Film Festival – Concorso
(2019) Film Festival della Lessinia – Montagne italiane
(2019) Crocevia di Sguardi
(2019) Foggia Film Festival
(2019) Laceno d’Oro
(2019) Asti Film Festival